Having emergency medical coverage when you travel throughout the year is a marvelous safety net. If you have a medical emergency while hopping the globe, your annual travel insurance can help offset certain related expenses. Rather than buying a whole new policy every time you need to travel, you can just purchase RoamRight’s Multi-Trip plan.
This is a great convenience if you plan on taking multiple trips throughout the year and will help provide you with peace of mind when you travel. RoamRight's Multi-Trip plan provides coverage for an unlimited number of trips in a plan year – up to 30 consecutive days in length for each trip – anywhere in world.
Not only does this plan have medical benefits, it also includes trip cancellation, lost or delay luggage, and other travel-related benefits to help protect you while you're away from home.
*To obtain a quote for multi-trip coverage, select "annual" from the Coverage For option in the quote box and enter the dates of your first trip.